Literature Log . Profile Heng WeiTing (3) Evergreen Secondary Sec 2 Dynamic(2010) Archives (Please press on the month you want to read before reading the posts) ♥ January 2010 ♥ February 2010 ♥ March 2010 ♥ April 2010 ♥ July 2010 ♥ August 2010 ♥ September 2010 ♥ April 2011 | |
Term 1 Week 4 (Lesson 5 & 6)
Lesson 5 (25-01-2010) Today Mr Chua continue the story 'The Merchant of Venice'. First Mr Chua divided us into groups, and different group had different character. Then we proceed to coral reading. After reading, left only the last 5 minutes, Mr Chua allowed us to find a partner that does the same character to do discussion. Lesson 6 (29-01-2010) ![]() Today Mr Chua teaches us a word, 'Mercy'. Before he started of explaining what is mercy, he asked us to write down in pencil what we think mercy is in our own words. The meaning that i think is: Forgivness. After that he told us the meaning, and given us time to look through the passage and asked him words that we dont know. Then, he tells us briefly what is mercy through the passage. And given us a homework on 'WHAT IS MERCY?' and 'HOW IS OUR GOD MERCY?' Term 1 Week 2 & 3 Term 1 Week 2 Lesson 3 (15-01-2010) ![]() Today Mr Chua is not here, so we have a relief teacher and the Principal from China. She asked us to read out the Cinquain that Mr Chua given us as homework. After that, she told us the story about Macbeth. Before the period ends , she call us to draw out the scenery of the place that the 3 witches going to meet at. Term 1 Week 3 Lesson 4 (22-01-2010) ![]() Mr Chua after collected the homeworks that he and the relief teacher given us, he started to tell us the story about 'The Merchant of Venice'. To let us understand better, he brought us to the art gallery to act out the scene. The story is in the court. Before they went to the court, the story started of is like that... Bassanio love a rich girl Protia, but he knew that without any money, he wouldn't won her love. So he decide to find his best friend Antonio, who is a merchant of Venice, for help. Unfortunately, on that period of time, Antonio have no money as his money is tied up in his oversea business. So Antonio went to Shylock, the moneylender, to lend money. With one condition that Shylock said, Shylock agree to lend Antonio money. The condition is, if Antonio cannot return the money on the limited time, Shylock have the right to cut off a pound of flesh from Antonio. Back to Bassanio, with the money on hand, he won Protia heart and get married. But the limited time get shorter and shorter, the time of paying the money that lend from Shylock have to return getting shorter. Antonio then receive the news that the ship that import his wealth had sunk. As a result, he had no money to pay Shylock. Then, Shylock and Antonio went to court before Shylock can cut off a pound of flesh from Antonio. Term 1 Week 1 (Lesson 1 & 2) Lesson 1 (4-01-2010) Today Mr Tyrus Chua asked us to post what have we learn last year. We learn about the story of Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, as well as how to write a poem and words that is stated in the glossary in our Secondary 1 text book. Lesson 2 (8-01-2010) Today Mr Chua teaches us hoe to write a Cinquain. It is divided into 5 parts. The first part is what we want to write about. The second part is use 2 words to describe it. The third part is to use 3 word that end with 'ing' to describe it. The fourth part is to write a sentence to describe it. And last but not least is to write a another name of it or what it represent. This is one of the Cinquain that i was ask to write: Evergreen Dynamic Excel Thinking Caring Achieving My school values are Respect, Integrity, Commitment and Enterprise. House |